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Posts here are organized based on the date they were uploaded here, not on the date they were made, newest on top and oldest at the bottom. Their upload date will be next to their name, and their date of creation next to their description.

28/06/2024 - Karkat Vantas and Terezi Pyrope.

ChatGPT, say bigger but replace the b with an n

First artwork I post in here that isn't pixel art. You see, this thing they are on is actually a very long and spacious and overall totally sweet (if not a bit weirdly colored) convertible, one but many things that go to show that trolls are indeed the superior civilization compared to us foolish humans.

21/05/2024 - My take on Sonic 2's scrapped Sand Shower Zone.

Sand Shower

May 20th 2024 - When I first saw that Oil Ocean's theme was originally going to be for Sand Shower, I both thought it made sense and also thought it was kind of stupid. In one hand, it makes sense, since me and a lot of other people always thought Oil Ocean's theme sounded more desert-y. But on the other hand, It doesn't really fit the feel of Sand Shower, while the track was foreboding and mysterious, the assets that would've accompanied it were too bright and comforty looking, like a children's picture book. Don't get me wrong, I love Brenda Cook's art style, I just don't think her vision for the stage mixed in well with the composer's.

Hence why I made this image, I wanted to make a more dangerous looking dread inducing Sand Shower that fit it's corresponding music track, and one that players would look at and go "Oh shit, this game ain't fucking around no more.". While making this image, I was unsure whether to make it look more like a mountainous area in the middle of a never ending desert or a scorching hot badland, so I ended up mixing both ideas into one making this sort of dry wasteland-y area with showers of red sand in the background (Eh? Get it?) slowly flooding the place. I also thought it looked like a world of dinosaurs, with all the canyons in the distance and prehistoric-looking Badniks, so I also named the file "dinosaurland". Maybe if I were to put this on a Rom-hack I'd name it something like "Jurassic Canyon Zone" or something badass like that. I also had a bit of struggle trying to make the stage look "hot", I wanted to make it look as if the place was actually about to melt from the extremely high temperatures, so I borrowed some reference from Oil Ocean since that stage had the look I was trying to achieve.

(And for those with a keen eye, you might've also noticed that I used edited versions of Tom Payne's unused Badniks, the unused sonic palette seen in pre-release material, and chunks of Oil Ocean and the leaked Sand Shower assets.)

02/05/2024 - Mario Bros... With a Little Bit of Super.

March 11th 2023 - Super Mario Bros with the artstyle of the original Mario Bros arcade NES port, I had to slightly edit them today just so I could make the clouds fit in with the rest of the sprites.

01/05/2024 - Custom Touhou Patch Center Ads!

Suck my delicious icecream cone

May 1st 2024 - Silly THpatch buttons I made for use on this site specifically, after I couldn't find any good Touhou GIFs to use and just decided to make some myself.

If you want to, feel free to use these on your site, no credit is needed... Well, as long as you're not going around like an idiot saying that you made them.

29/04/2024 - Super Mario World: Embodiment of King Koopa.

February 10th 2024 - Oh ZUN, you piece of shit! Even when I'm playing something else you still find new ways to torture me with your dumb anime girls...

These were made for some old story I was making that I later cancelled early on, it was going to be sort of a mix between NES Godzilla Creepypasta and Sonic 2 Special Edition, where the story would start kind of chill but would then turn into complete incomprehensible madness.

But instead of being like "OOOOOOHHH theres a SCARY DEMON ON MY VIDEOGAME" it was going to be more like "Oh I got this SMW ROM from a shady website and now crazy absurdist shit is happening."

29/04/2024 - Windows XP: Sinner Edition.

Doom XP

March 17th 2024 - This was originally made as a Tech class project, but I got asked to replace it with another thing, so I'm posting it here instead.

It's a modified version of the famous 'Bliss' wallpaper from Windows XP, edited to have a buncha cool Doom shit.

29/04/2024 Sonic Running on the Twilight.

April 28th 2024 - Made this in the middle of the night, I'm not sure what the meaning is behind it. I guess I just wanted to make something that looked pretty... It's inspired on those old 'Sonic 2 Hoaxes' websites I used to stare at for hours as a kid, which are also the inspiration behind this website.

I also made a background only version, for if any of you wanted it by some chance.

Last updated June 28th 2024, contact me at my Escargot:

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